
Announcing Pressing Toward the Mark

I am so excited to share this book with you which has been so long in the making! Pressing Toward the Mark is a sequel to my book Journey of Grace and is filled with relatable real-life lessons woven into a riveting fictional setting. It's my prayer that as you read, you will not only be entertained, but challenged and encouraged in your walk with the God. Do you find yourself slipping into a more tepid Spiritual walk? One that isn't such a burning contrast to the world around you? Do you ever struggle with being bold for Christ? Have you found yourself at a decision point where putting Christ above all else will cost you something very dear? These are common struggles for us as Christians, yet God, by His Word and Holy Spirit, has given us all the wisdom and strength to be gloriously victorious in every situation. As the famous poem by C.T Studd reminds us, “Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” Friend, I am cheering you on a