Journey of Grace


About Journey of Grace

“Lord, I want to be a virtuous woman.... If it is Your will, please bring someone into my life...someone who will teach and mentor me....”

The simple prayer Grace prayed that day was answered sooner than she anticipated bringing a turn of events and people that would change her forever.
How does it affect Grace when little Willie is taken down with a serious case of pneumonia, bringing back painful memories that his family is still healing from? How will people respond when she begins evangelizing at local events? What will it take for her religious but unsaved parents to see the truth? Could two drastically different people, recently brought into her life, be biological siblings and not even know each other? How does she respond when she keeps receiving bits of information that seem to fit into a mysterious puzzle?
These are some of the unexpected adventures Grace finds on her journey as she seeks to “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”


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